Sunday, January 4, 2015

Embrace the Journey!

Two flights down and two to go!

The first obstacle of the day we had to embrace was the luggage limit. We weighed in on our bathroom scale with 1.5 lb. To spare.  But knowing that our bathroom scale is 14 years old did not fill us with confidence. Made it with a few pounds to spare! We were worried we might have to ditch the 10lb. of peeps we are bringing for Jeff!

The second obstacle to embrace was making it through security. Not a problem for us since we have TSA prescreening that came with our Nexus passes. Shoes stayed on our feet, liquids stayed in our backpacks and we by-passed a few hundred people waiting beltless and shoeless in line, bags of small liquids in hand! We averted our eyes so we didn't have to see the nasty glares!

The third obstacle to embrace was waiting and watching while passengers tried in vain to stuff carry on bags into the overhead compartments that were just too big for the space. Airlines have left them no choice, making it so expensive to check bags. Glad we just had small backpacks.

Made it to San Francisco! The last obstacle to embrace is an 8 hour layover.   We are embracing it by people watching! Most memorable was #1 a baby strapped into one of those front carriers.  The interesting part was that the carrier wasn't strapped onto a person but on a rolling carry-on bag. Baby fast asleep, rolling through the airport, mom and dad had a bit of freedom.  Inventive! After seeing a young couple each carrying a baby and each pulling a carry-on as well as a back pack, diaper bag and coats, I would applaud any inventive way to travel with young kids.  #2 was a combination rolling carry-on/scooter.  The traveler got off the plane, pulled down what looked like a skateboard attached to the front, pulled the telescoping handle and took off. So clever!

Well we are off to get some steps in before boarding the next leg (an 18hr flight). We like to get some blood flow back into our legs before we resume the airplane seat yoga pose. I thought about changing it up by doing the warrior pose for a bit but was afraid I'd be taken down!

See ya on the other side of the world!

1 comment:

  1. You made it out before the arctic chill here! Can't wait to hear your report from down under.
