Sunday, February 15, 2015

Some things we've learned about New Zealand

Some things we’ve learned about New Zealand

They drive on the left see of the road. Never got used to getting in on the left.

Meals at a restaurant all come out at a different time.

At most restaurants you pay for your meal at a counter and pick it up yourself when ready. No waitress.

No tipping.

Minimum wage is $15 an hour. $20 in Australia.

The cost of food is ridiculous. Jeff paid $80 a pound for lobster at a road side stand.

The water really does go down the drain counterclockwise.

Don’t disregard the small brown coin. It’s not a penny it’s a $2 coin.

Roundabouts are popular. Try driving that on the wrong side of that!

There is assigned seating at the movie theatre. You can drink wine/beer in the theatre.

The ocean and lake water is the greenest/ bluest color you’ve ever seen. Almost looks like it’s not real.

Lots of hitchhikers. Not unusual to see young girls hitching alone.

You can smoke everywhere. And they do.

Mike and Mike is on at night.

The Super bowl is on Monday morning.

Toilets have two flushers. One for #1 and one for #2

No ketchup. It’s called tomato sauce and it’s much sweeter than Ketchum and you pay extra for it.

Showers all have glass doors that only cover half of the shower. You soak the rest of the floor.

Don’t ask for napkins (serviettes) or bathrooms (toilets). They will look at you funny.

I like some of their words better and think I’ll continue using them. Lollie. (candy) Good on ya, cheers, no worries.
Packages at the supermarket are all small as opposed to all our supersized packaging

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