Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The International Date Line! YIKES!

The International Date Line
Four days and counting! The biggest thing on my mind right now is the actual journey to get there!  We leave on January 4th but don’t arrive until the 6th.  The total trip will take about 32 hours but our itinerary says, “NOTE:  This flight arrives two full days after it departs.”  Crossing the International Date Line throws us one day into the future. Ok, I’ve changed time zones many times before.  I get that.  I’ll admit, we got a little confused about what time it was when we traveled around Arizona, Nevada, and Utah but we adjusted. I think it’s a little crazy that some places follow daylight savings time while their neighboring states don’t, but OK.  But this International Date Line thing makes my head hurt!
Check out the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPpWCTHjzQI    Is there one International Date Line or two? A plane can fly from Monday, right through Tuesday, and back into Monday.  WHAAAT?? Way to make your birthday last a long time!! If you do that, do you age?  If a plane keeps flying around the world, it will simply switch between two days. WHAAAT?? What if it flies in the other direction?  Is that what Superman did when he reversed time? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjgsnWtBQm0   Now that makes sense to me.  If a plane keeps flying around the world, why wouldn’t it keep going back more days?  And a person at the North Pole could easily walk in a circle between the two days!  Ah!  I think I’ve discovered how Santa delivers all those gifts in just one night!!
If you can’t figure out what day it will be where we are, just remember, when it’s from 11:00-11:59 pm at the International Date Line, the entire world is on the same day. You will have to figure out what time that is where you are. But don’t wait too long because at midnight, half the world goes into a new day! Thank God we’re going to get back the day we lost when we come home!  We’re not getting any younger and can’t afford to give up any days!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

16 days and counting....
Got our Rosetta Stone for New Zeeland-ese.  Here are the top 10 expressions we plan to use while there!!
1. We are planning to "BLUDGE"  off  Jeff and Clare for awhile.  (To sponge off of)
2.  We will be a "box of budgies" in 16 days!!  (Cheerful, happy)
3.  Hey Jeff, you said you got 5 pars in a row??!!  "GET OFF THE GRASS!!  (no way)
4.  Jeff and Clare, New Pepe's Restaurant opening today??  "GOOD ON YA MATE!!  (congrats)
5.  After this trip we are going to be "KNACKERED"!  ( done in)
6.  What!!??  No LOOs on the hike??  I have to use the LONG-DROP??!!  (bathroom, outhouse)
7. Jeff and Clare better "RATTLE YOUR DAGS!!  We will be there in 16 days!!  (Get a move on)
8. Tell the kids. the "Rellies"  are coming!!  (Relatives)
9. We can't wait to get to "TRAMPING"!!  (Hiking)
10. There will be no "WHINGING"  on the "WOP-WOPS"!!  (complaining, out of the way trips)

CHEERIO and HOORAY to our US mates!(Goodbye)  And "KIA ORA"  (Hello)
to our KIWI family!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

27 days and counting!  Starting to make lists! Getting excited!!